Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How can you call a cat

What do you call a cat - the boy

How can you call a cat

That came a joyous day - there was a pet in the house, which has become the favorite of all family members.
If the family is large, then select the name of the cat should be all together, and everyone can contribute.
Some cats just their appearance demonstrate their names.
Especially if the boy's name cat well, too noble for example, Earl, Lord Sheikh, Sher Khan, Baron or Marquis .
looked up and deliberately sloppy kind of cat are given to understand that even the animal can not be called in abbreviated his name, well, at Joy he just did not respond.
Initially, all the cats name was almost the same.
males were named Wheeler, Witch, Walrus, Waggs or Winston .
Cats assigned nicknames Wasabi, Webby, Wheezy or Winnie .
If you want to excel - read on.
So, to call the cat , if you believe in astrology.
Many astrologers say that it is now fashionable to pick up not only compatible name and patronymic of the people, but euphonious names of the cats up to the combination of the name of the cat with the name of the owner.
in tune with the names suggest a close relationship in the future, the cat and the owner, but this claim is not justified.
As, however, and what breed of cat Asher actually exists.
In most cases it is the behavior of the owner and his pet defines their mutual feelings and relationships in the future.
Often the kitten picked up a nickname based on the pet's appearance.
      For example, black cats - Sandpiper, Sooty, Batman, Night . and the like.
      Gray - Smoke, Gray, Gray, tenyok, Haze, Sara .
      Red - Orange, Ginger, Mandarin, Orange, Camel, Kanga, Bestia .
      White - Snow, White, Winter, Snow, Squirrel, Bella, Morozhenko .
      Domestic cats - Bengal in most cases have a nickname derived from; Leopard or cheetah .
      Color, tortoise, striped - Color, turtle, sailor, Matroskin Tsvetik, Lyapa, Tortilla.
Some music and film - fans at home live, livestock, proudly bearing names such as Jackson, Mike, Bob Marley, Bond, Clyde, Phil, Britney, Alia, Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Bonnie . and others.
For example, cats with the name Leopold or Thomas has clearly are old now in vogue nicknames Garfield Simpson Masyanya and the like.
Some owners of a kitten resembles a wild cat.
For example, the color, as the Bengal and other wild domestic cats.
As a result, pupils receive aliases Mountain Lion, Leo, Leva, Lynx, Bagheera .
The behavioral features of a cat are often the basis of interesting nicknames, which fully complies with the animal.

  • Proud Lady and stately The king .
  •  Beauty Princess
  •  Imposing Count often recline on window sills in the homes of their masters, squinting in the sun and showing off his royal greatness.

The character of the Norwegian forest cat. for example, and said, Give me a king.
cats interesting names may appear, even up any pranks animal or a memorable occasion.
One day, the cat stole a cigarette from his master to play. As a result, I got the nickname Chesterfield, abbreviated - Chester.
The cats - demure, too, deserve an appropriate nickname: Tikhon, the Silent or Grumpy, Stesnyasha .
Little cat that develops very slowly, you can call Mouse .
Today, there were interesting nicknames for cats and dogs - Samsung, iPhone, gadgets, laptops, Toyota, Aurora, Mazda . There's even a cat Nokia .
No wonder: the formidable owner of the car Hummer , so rather call a cat than pupsikom .
The commitment of their work or hobbies host can reflect on the favorites in the form of nicknames such as the Spinning, cop, lawyer and others.
At the astrologer living in the house sometimes Pluto Alpha Satellite or Marsik .
There are even cats with wonderful name Cassiopeia .
Thoroughbred cat, acquired in the elite club, initially has its name documented.
However, often the nickname is very difficult to use it in everyday life. The family then comes up with a new nickname of the animal on the basis of this name.
If a kitten named Archibald on the documents, then we can call it Archie .
search Boy cat names

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